A tactical sonar system for transmitting submarine activity, the sonobuoy is a core technology for anti-submarine warfare. Sparton manufactures both active (emitting sound energy into the water and waiting for a return transmission) and passive (purely listening for sound wave transmissions) sonobuoys.
Enhanced 3D Adaptive Calibration improves calibration speed and stability, while compensating for errors caused by positional changes in dynamic environments.
360º Rollover Capability maintains absolute accuracy regardless of angle, even when completely inverted.
3D Acceleration determines acceleration in three dimensions simultaneously.
Adaptive Pitch and Roll Calculation provides three dimensional absolute magnetic field measurement and full 360º tilt-compensated bearing, pitch, and roll with 3-axis, tilt-compensated sensors.
Gyro Enhancement provides additional inertial system heading accuracy in the presence of stray magnetic fields.
High Resolution Magnetics permit finer discernment of the Earth’s magnetic field, thereby improving our sensor’s level of accuracy in dynamic or challenging conditions.
True North Computation uses NOAA magnetic declination tables corrects for an application’s present location, thereby providing a “true north” heading.
Sleep Mode allows our sensors to use less energy, which increases battery life.
The AHRS-M1 is the first micro-sized, light weight, low power Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) product with a revolutionary built-in adaptive-calibration mode. It utilizes a proprietary calibration algorithm that provides continuous, adaptive calibration without the need to perform a traditional and complex “12-point” calibration.
Continuously calibrates platform magnetic properties using natural motion, eliminating hard and soft iron distortions.
Weighs only 6.7 grams with a very small form factor, ideal for SWaP-C (Size, Weight, Power, and Cost) improvements.
Incorporates tri-axial magnetometers, MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes for superior performance.
Delivers stable and accurate operation across varying temperatures.
Ensures precise heading outputs, even in dynamic environments.
Provides accurate attitude and heading outputs with 360° tilt compensation, even under high vibration and magnetic interference.
Fully programmable and configurable on-board system, allowing limitless customization and integration options.
Performs reliably in highly dynamic operating environments with transient magnetic interference.
The AHRS-M2 is a next generation Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) that delivers industry leading static heading accuracy of 0.2° RMS. The AHRS-M2 is a fully temperature compensated, micro-sized, light weight, low power AHRS product with a revolutionary built-in auto-calibration mode.
AdaptCal™ provides continuous 3D adaptive in-field calibration with hard and soft magnetic interference compensation.
Integrated AdaptNav™ provides real-time noise characterization and active gyro drift compensation for superior heading, pitch and roll performance in electrically and mechanically noisy environments.
Static Heading Accuracy, 0.2° RMS.
Small form factor, weighs 12.3g.
Very low power consumption, 60 mW, and Sleep Mode functionality, 16 mW.
Powerful user programmable sensor customization apps via NorthTek™ Forth interpreter.
High resolution, low noise magnetometers.
Advanced sensing technology (tri-axial magnetometers and MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes).
Magnetic and True North heading, pitch, and roll measurement.
Full 360° rollover capability using quaternions or rotation matrix.
“Figure of Merit” real time heading error indicator.
In-field calibration point selection and distribution indicator.
Quality of in-field calibration indicator.
Centripetal acceleration correction.
Supports multiple communication protocols.